The speed violating laws in a few states of the United States are very strict and heavy penalties are imposed on the drivers that are caught to drive a speed higher than the specified speed limit, but people usually to find easy to maintain the speed limit when others are driving at a high speed. They should at least maintain the pace with other vehicles so that traffic chaos can be avoided. You may call it a real problem of contemporary time. the scenario was different in the past when there were very few vehicles on the roads.
Way to prevent speeding tickets
It is true that people want to prevent speeding tickets despite driving at a speed much higher than the speed limit, but this is their genuine problem sometimes. You may be an innocent driver, but there is no excuse for a speed violation. There would rarely be any cop who would understand your problem and will leave you after issuing a warning. However, in most cases, the violators are issued speeding tickets, a penalty you would hate to pay for any reason. By using radar detection devices you can prevent speeding tickets, this is the best way for you to violate, but remain safe.